Saturday, August 31, 2019

Le Corbusier

â€Å"The house is a machine for living in. †-Le Corbusier House 14 at Weissenhof: http://mpdrolet. tumblr. com/pos/34901891099/weissenhof-estate-le-corbusier-peter-gossel. As with many other architects of his time, Le Corbusier was fascinated with the Industrial Age. The Industrial Age brought a multitude of new materials for architects to work with, as well as new processes to utilize these revolutionary materials. Le Corbusier sought to coalesce these new ideas into his 5 points towards a new architecture. The five essential points set out above represent a fundamentally new aesthetic. Nothing is left to us of the architecture of past epochs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Conrads, 1970, p. 100) By combining the newly readily available materials of steel and concrete with the process of mass production Le Corbusier invents a house that embodies a machine. No longer is the house simply a decorative container to live in. The house that utilizes Le Corbusier’s 5 points actively works to improve the lives of its inhabitants just as any successful machine of the Industrial Age.As seen in House 14, all attention is focused on satisfying the 5 points and consequentially superfluous ornament is disregarded. Rather the building as a whole could be described a monument to the Industrial age. The clean-cut corners and lines evoke a sense of the ordered factory and sharp contrasts remind viewers of the positive and negative results of Industrialism. â€Å"Industry, overwhelming us like a flood which rolls on towards its destined ends, has furnished us with new tools adapted to this new epoch, animated by the new spirit. (Conrads, 1970, p. 61) Corbusier’s idea of the â€Å"new spirit† is evident in his 5 points. The new â€Å"machine† house improves people’s lives by helping them adapt to and live in the boisterous times of the Industrial Age. The roof of the house is covered in a roof garden to give its inhabitants a place to relax from the inc essant clamor of the new age. The house is set off the ground on pilotes to separate the inhabitant from the dirty byproducts of Industrialism.This sense of cleanliness is also emphasized in the whitewashed walls giving a sense of purity and sanitation. â€Å"Economic law inevitably governs our acts and our thoughts. † (Conrads, 1970, p. 61) As with any mass produced machine, cost is an issue. Corbusier had to settle for using the relatively cheap materials of stucco over brick to allow his house to be mass-produced. Le Corbusier revolutionized the house into an efficient machine with his 5 points. â€Å"Economic law inevitably governs our acts and our thoughts. † (Conrads, 1970, p. 61)

Company Law Course Wrap Up

MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012 We have come to the end of formal instruction in Company Law, so it is useful at this point to review the main learnings from the course. This will be somewhat long! Unit1 Salomon v Salomon and the corporate veil. This is a foundational case in company law which enunciated the principle of the separateness of company and its members (shareholders and officers). The principle makes it quite clear that the separation of the company from its members will always hold; it is only in exceptional cases that the corporate veil will be lifted, such as in instances of fraud or other illegality.This means that a company may contract in its own name and, similarly, be held liable for breaches committed in its name. As mentioned before, shareholders and officers of the company will not usually be held liable for acts committed by the company. This leads directly to the concept of limited liability. Since a company is a separate legal entity, it f ollows that its members will not be liable for its debts. As a distinct legal entity, a company’s assets belong to it and not its members; its liabilities belong to it and are not the responsibility of the members.In the event of the company becoming insolvent or bankrupt, a shareholder’s loss would only be limited to the amount of unpaid shares he has outstanding in the company. In this way, a shareholder is afforded limited liability. Conversely, unlimited liability companies impose unlimited liability on its members. Ultra Vires. Ultra vires describes acts undertaken beyond (ultra) the legal powers (vires) of those who have purported to undertake them.The three main applications of ultra vires were: o whether the company acted outside is capacity; o whether the company’s agents acted in excess of authority; and o whether the company’s act was contrary to statutory provisions. This proved to create great difficulties for creditors as they might provide goods and services to companies which, when they refused or were unable to honour payment, were protected by the fact that contracts were deemed null and void and therefore unenforceable.Creditors had no recourse in the face of this issue. See Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co Ltd v Riche. Ultra vires has since been abolished by statute such that, even though companies and its members may not be authorised to act in a particular way or to make certain decisions, they may still be liable for such unauthorised acts as against third parties. This concept will return again in other units. Unit 2 Lifting the Corporate Veil.The corporate veil does not provide blanket protection to the members and officers of a company. It will once they have acted carefully, honestly and in good faith. In cases of illegality and negligence, the veil may be lifted to expose the offending member to liability. Both statute and common law provide for the lifting of the corporate veil in such instances. This Session discussed the statutory exceptions to limited liability which include: 1 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ eduction of number of members (it is to be noted that while a company may be operated with only one director under UK statute for up to six months, the same does not hold for Trinidad and Tobago); fraudulent and wrongful trading (these apply only during the winding up process [to be dealt with in further detail in Unit 8]; wrongful trading may be inferred from â€Å"reckless disregard† as found in s 447(1)(b) and (c)); disqualified directors (a director may be disqualified either during the course of normal operations of the company or during the winding up process); abuse of company names (this usually involves the transfer of company assets at an undervalue to the new company); and other named offences relating to documentation. While the veil of incorporation usually affords protection to a companyâ€⠄¢s members and officers, the Court will lift it in cases of statutory breaches where strict liability attaches to those found responsible for the breach.The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine, which holds the decision-making officer liable, operates very similarly in other legislation but is held to be separate from lifting the veil. At common law, the court will be prepared to lift the corporate veil under very limited circumstances. While there are no clearly defined categories, the court will lift the veil where individuals are concerned in instances of using the corporation as an agent (based on the degree of control exercised by the shareholders over the operations of the company) or where there is fraud or impropriety. In the case of corporations as shareholders, the court will lift the veil in cases where it can find an implied agency relationship and a group of companies acting as a single entity.It is generally held that the court will lift the veil in parent-subsidiar y relationships where the evidence shows that the subsidiary is but an agent of the parent (based on the degree of control exercised by the latter over the former); statutory or contractual provisions dictate that it should be lifted; or the subsidiary is established as a sham. A company will be deemed to be acting fraudulently where it is established to avoid a court order or other legal obligations; this usually applies where the shareholders are individuals. In such cases, the court will lift the veil to expose the company’s members to liability. Unit 3 Directors of a Company. A director’s behaviour is governed largely by the Companies Act, specifically by section 99. A director’s responsibilities and liabilities are very clear and simple.He must exercise the powers of the company; direct the management of the company (s 60); declare any personal interests (s 93); act honestly and in good faith; and exercise care, diligence and skill a reasonable person would exercise under similar conditions. Any breach of these requirements will lead to personal liability on the director’s part. The company may choose to indemnify a director for any liabilities incurred where he acted honestly and in good faith and in the best interest of the company (s 101). Particular attention should be paid to the words used in section 99 and their meaning. 2 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up Unit 4 November 2012 Directors of a Company. A director’s behaviour is also governed by common law which reflects, in large part, section 99 of the Companies Act.They owe a fiduciary duty to the company to act in the best interest of the company, lawfully, honestly and in good faith, otherwise, they will be in breach of their fiduciary duties owed to the company. Pardy v Dobbin is an excellent case on point. Shareholders are able to indemnify a director’s acts or decisions if they so choose where there is disclosure by the director of his interest. Apa rt from the duties owed, a director may be held personally liable in tort or for criminal activity, especially in cases of fraud or negligence, and will not have the protection of the corporate veil. It is important to note that where the tortious conduct of a director is motivated by self-interest or personal benefit, then the director may be liable (Blacklaws v Morrow, 2000 ABCA 175 (CanLII), paragraph 137).Personal liability will only attach, therefore, where it can be proven that the acts of the director are separate from the interest of the company or where such acts have been expressly directed by him. Fraud is proved when it is shown that a fraudulent misrepresentation has been made (i) knowingly, or (ii) without belief in its truth, or (iii) recklessly, carelessly whether it be true or false. A director will be held liable where any of these is proved. With respect to criminal liability, a director will usually be held criminally and personally liable where he acted in fraud on the employer, for his own benefit, or contrary to instructions.In other cases of criminal liability, the company will be held to be vicariously liable, together with the officer in question. Under the directing mind or identification principle, a corporation may be held vicariously liable for the criminal acts of its â€Å"directing mind†. In mens rea [criminal intent] offences, if the Court finds the director to be a vital organ of the company and virtually its directing mind in the sphere of duty assigned him so that his actions and intent are deemed the action and intent of the company itself, the company can be held criminally liable even where the criminal act was performed not wholly for the benefit of the company. He must, however, have been acting within the scope of the area of the work assigned to him.In the case of fraud, where the benefit accrues only to the director and is not intended to be for the benefit of the company, the corporate entity may be able to escape liability. Other Officers of a Company. Their behaviour, too, is governed by section 99 of the Companies Act. Unit 5 Shareholders. A shareholder is a member of a company, usually someone who has invested in the company and is considered an owner or part-owner. At law, the shareholder is not the incorporated entity; they are distinct entities, where the company is deemed a separate, legal person with rights, privileges and liabilities, 3 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012 in like manner as a shareholder. Their rights, privileges, liabilities, immunities and procedures for holding meetings are all covered by the Companies Act.In addition to the Companies Act, shareholders’ relationship with each other and the company are further governed by the terms of the shareholders’ agreement, which may place restrictions on their behaviour. It should be noted that there are certain fundamental changes that may only be effected by the shareholders. Unit 6 Stat us of the Minority Shareholder. The majority rules. This is enshrined in law, both common and statutory law. This makes it very difficult for minority shareholders to protect the interest of the company. This principle has its roots in the foundational case of Foss v Harbottle [1843] 67 ER 189 which addresses the heavily circumscribed status of the minority shareholder.Section 37(c) of the Interpretation Act further compounds this issue as it also reinforces this principle. In addition to the majority rules principle, another important issue that arose is the proper plaintiff rule. The court held that if the majority is committing wrongs against the company, it is the company itself that should take action to protect itself. Nevertheless, the law has taken into consideration the underprivileged position of the minority shareholder and allows him to take actions as exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle. As the company is an inanimate entity, it cannot take action on its own, hen ce the relaxation of the proper plaintiff rule to allow the minority to act on its behalf.Obviously, the majority would be the entity to allow or disallow any such action and they will not permit the minority to take action against them. The minority shareholder(s) will have a right of action against the majority shareholder(s) in specific situations. He may be allowed to take derivative action – an action brought by a shareholder (or director) of a company in the name and on behalf of that company – in very peculiar circumstances. This means that any benefit accrues to the company only and not to the benefit of the shareholder. There are certain acts that a majority may not legally undertake and for which the minority may initiate such action.The minority has a common law right of derivative action where the majority attempts to: o o o Confirm an act which is ultra vires or illegal; Confirm an act which constitutes a fraud against the minority where the wrongdoers are themselves in control of the company; Confirm an act which can only be validly done or sanctioned, not by a simple majority but by some special majority; otherwise, a company could de facto do by simple majority something which required a special majority; or Affect qualified minority rights. o Where his personal rights are affected, he may take action in his own name. Any benefit here accrues directly to the shareholder. The minority shareholder also has rights under the Companies Act to protect the interests of the company against the will of the majority. As in the common law, the act also allows for derivative action pursuant to section 240. The procedure in 4 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012 s 240 must be followed prior to making a claim based on any of the four common law rights of derivative action mentioned.With respect to personal rights of action, minority shareholders may dissent to shareholder resolutions seeking to make fundamental changes to the corp orate entity (s 227) or may seek to restrain oppressive behaviour on the part of the majority that is unfairly prejudicial to or unfairly dismissive of the interests of shareholders or other members or officers of the company (s 242). In this way, the minority shareholder is offered the right under law to protect his own interest or the interest of the company. Unit 7 Insider Trading. This relates to trading in public companies. An insider is someone who breaches a fiduciary duty owed to his employer to act honestly and uses unpublished, price-sensitive information to trade in securities or communicates such information to someone else who trades. The information he has will be considered material if it will help an investor determine whether or not to purchase or sell shares.Where an insider uses such information for his personal benefit to avoid a loss or make a profit, he will be in breach of the Companies Act, the Securities Industry Act and common law principles relating to: o Access to confidential information; o Breach of fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust; o Material confidential information; and o Using material confidential information for one’s benefit. Unit 8 Winding Up and Dissolution. Winding up is the process of liquidating a company and its assets and then distributing the proceeds while dissolution is the cessation of the company. The most important issue here is trading while insolvent. This is regulated by s 447(1) of the Companies Act.This section raises the issue of fraudulent trading, where it is discovered during the liquidation process that the company continued carrying on business, despite knowing or being unconcerned that it would have been unable to honour its debts and liabilities. Liability under this section is usually triggered when the court is satisfied that a person has not taken every possible step with a view to minimising the potential loss to the company’s creditors as he ought to have taken. Seve ral important words and phrases are used in this section: intent to defraud; reckless disregard; debts and liabilities; knowingly; and personally responsible. The Central Bank case provides an excellent exposition into s 447(1) and the eaning of these terms. The use of such words and phrases make it clear that anyone guilty of this offence must have purposely or carelessly undertaken these acts despite knowledge or care of the company’s inability to cover the debts and liabilities incurred by it. Any person so guilty will be held personally responsible without any limitation of liability. It should be noted that this is not restricted to directors and officers; anyone, such as an accountant who may have audited the accounts and been aware of the dire financial situation, for example, who was knowingly involved would be held liable as well. It also applies to past officers and directors. 5MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up Unit 9 November 2012 Corporate Governance. Corporate governance has assumed great prominence within the last twenty years. There are many definitions, but they all revolve around good management practices which encompass accountability, transparency and honest. Several financial scandals, resulting from a lack of these traits, led to the promulgation of codes of conduct for companies. These codes focussed on remuneration for directors, the role of the non-executive director, reporting functions of the board, and the role of auditors and audit committees. An ultimate combined code was created that encompassed the main points of each individual code.While none of these codes have the force of law, they provide a moral barometer specifically for public companies to engage in good management practices. Private entities are welcomed and encouraged to follow these guidelines as well. The wide range of stakeholders just might ensure that these non-binding codes are adhered to, as companies, public and private, are required to act in the bes t interest of the company and society at large. The threat of damage to the company's reputation may also assist in this regard. Of course, where companies fail to do so, they will be subject statutory and common law sanctions, even where the codes lack the ability to penalise.Section 99 of the Companies Act, in particular, and common law fiduciary duties apply here. Unit 10 Partnerships. What is a partnership? They are unincorporated entities, known as firms, comprising any combination of two or more individuals, or one or more individuals and one or more corporations, or two or more corporations (s 4, Companies Act). The relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit (s 3(1), Partnership Act) How is a Partnership different to a Company? Unincorporated entities Based on the law of agency Partners bear equal benefits and liabilities Formal establishment not necessary Less statutory responsibilities What does not necessarily constitute a Partnership? oint ownership; sharing of gross returns [Cox v Coulson – no agency]; and sharing of profits [Stekel v Ellice – employment contract vs partnership agreement]. Creation of a Partnership Persons who invest monies to open a company prior to its incorporation or to commence a partnership will not be deemed to be partners during the period before the company or partnership comes into existence. This was the case in Spicer Ltd v Mansell. 6 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012 Partnership at Will Partnerships that are not subject to any formal agreement. No fixed duration. May be terminated with immediate effect by any partner at any time. Refers to continued partnerships as well.Relations of Partners to Persons Dealing with Them (Higgins v Beaucham [1914] 3 KB 1192; Mann v D’Arcy and Others [1968] 1 WLR 893) Partners are deemed to be agents of each other and, therefore, have the authority to take unilateral decisions which will bind the fi rm, save in cases of fraud or other illegality. Joint liability Liability may continue post retirement An agreement may discharge a retiree from liabilities Liability and Holding Out (Tower Cabinet Co Ld v Ingram [1949] 2 KB 397) Anyone who represents or allows himself to be represented as a partner of a firm will be held liable where the firm’s creditors seek payment. Liability of New and Retired Partners (Bilborough v Holmes (1877) 5 Ch D 255; Rolfe v Flower (1865-67) LR 1 PC 27) Partners’ liability begins upon admission to the firm and ceases upon demission under ordinary circumstances. An agreement may discharge him from any liabilities.A former partner may still be liable for any breaches even after he has left where no such agreement is made. Relations of Partners to One Another (In re Barber (1869-70) L. R. 5 Ch. App. 687) The terms of a partnership agreement may only be varied by the consent of all partners. Partnership Property (Davis v Davis [1894] 1 Ch 393) Partnership property is property that is utilised for the purposes of the partnership. Title to partnership assets may be in the names of all the partners, as in a co-ownership arrangement, or in the names of some partners or one partner. Rights and Duties among Partners (Tann v Herrington [2009] EWHC 445 (Ch)) 26. a) share equally in benefits and liabilities; (b) indemnify every partner for payments made and personal liabilities incurred by him in the ordinary and proper conduct of the business of the firm; or (ii) in or about anything necessarily done for the preservation of the business or property of the firm; (g) no person may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners; (h)†¦no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners; Any liability to a third party is recoverable against the partners jointly and severally. 7 MGMT3046 Company Law: Course Wrap Up November 2012Tann v Herrington â₠¬â€œ duty of care, duty to act in good faith, skill Where this is disproved and some element of culpability is also proved, the individual partner only may be held liable. Expulsion of a Partner (In Re A Solicitors’ Arbitration [1962] 1 All ER 772) The concept of majority rule is ordinarily alien to partnerships, especially where expulsion of a partner is the issue. How does expulsion work? All partners must have unanimously agreed at the creation of the partnership to expel the offending partner. Expulsion does not hold where there are only two partners; the partnership will be automatically dissolved should one leave. This power of expulsion is one that must be exercised bona fide and in the general interests of the partnership.Dissolution of Partnerships Ordinarily, a partnership is automatically dissolved: at the expiration of any fixed term, the completion of an undertaking which was the reason for the creation of the partnership, or the death or bankruptcy of a partner. An application may be made to the court for a decree of dissolution in the case of: insanity, incapacity, or misconduct of a partner; where the business is running at a loss; or where it is just and equitable for the partnership to be dissolved. Problems associated with dissolution Division and distribution of the firm’s assets and liability; Continuation of partnership: Pathirana v Pathirana General vs technical dissolution: Green v Harnum 8

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Debate of Proposition 8

Should sexual preference determine marriages? This is the ongoing debate our generation will have to address. California has been in the epicenters of this debate; as we witnessed voters oppose gay marriage in the elections of 2008. The success of Proposition 8 discriminated against those of homosexual orientation. Proposition 8 adjusted California’s marriage laws to prevent a change in language, favoring the majority of heterosexual America. As California’s constitution in article 1, section 7. reads, â€Å"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California† (California Marriage Protection Act). This perception of marriage adopted to be law is built upon gender identity ideals that men and women have to fulfill. Women are to marry that of the opposite gender and sex. Accordingly, the language used to describe marriage was contorted by gender ideals in the fight for Proposition 8. Those for Proposition 8 argued it would restore the defin ition of marriage. From this perspective, marriage is seen as a tradition that is natural and immutable. To the contrary, the argument against Proposition 8 states, â€Å"OUR CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION—the law of our land—SHOULD GUARANTEE THE SAME FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS TO EVERYONE—NO ONE group SHOULD be singled out to BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY† (Official California Legislative Information). Marriage is a right that cannot be exercised by all due to sexual preference. Gay and lesbians are discriminated based on societies resistance to amend the definition of marriage past sexual preference. Additionally, the language used to describe marriage and the roles of individuals, is a major outlining factor behind the issue itself. Analyzing the language used in both arguments allows us to delve further into this question and expose why Proposition 8 should have been abolished. Proposition 8 is simply a resistance to change in language in how we come to define marriage. â€Å"Typically, language changes as a result of social political and economic processes such as lifestyle changes, new experiences, counters with technologies and communication media, colonization, or migration† (Litosseliti 19). Although political action may try to slow down this historical ongoing change in language, just as the world changes, so will the language. Marriage will eventually cease to be defined by the standards of sexual preference. In such, the argument against Proposition 8 holds more validity than those in favor of it. Those opposed to Proposition 8 rely on California’s constitution promise for equal rights and freedom to every person, gays included. This allowed those opposed to use powerful words associated with civil rights such as, equality, dignity, freedom, and respect. These are portrayed to the audience from a gay language lending more of feminine like characteristics of care, nurture, and support. This gay language serves a purpose in relaying the message to oppose Proposition 8. As scholar Don Kulick believes, â€Å"†¦homosexual slang serves communicative functions, the most important of which is to ‘reinforce group cohesiveness and reflect common interests, problems, and needs of the population’ (Sonenschein 1969:289)† (Kulick 250). They used the gay slang as to draw attention from all gay and lesbians to feel connected. They refer to themselves as the â€Å"gay community†. This self maintained identity allows them to reach out to all gays and lesbians. For instance, there is a great example in YouTube, where the protest against Proposition 8 continues. In their advertisement they are promoting the Eve of Justice March for gay rights. In the video words displayed are â€Å"if you believe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  followed by the alternating words such as life, happiness, kindness, beauty, compassion, and love. These words of sentiment and support are a prime example of the gay language inducing activism throughout the gay community. â€Å"In constructing particular subject positions for the readers or viewers, advertisements play a role in constituting identities† (Litosseliti 108). The gay language so to speak allows them to create a desired identity for the gay community, which allows them to mobilize themselves within their civil rights movement. Additionally, the gay community has maintained a similar identity to heterosexual relationships on what role individuals play in a marriage. They believe in the similar manner as to what is expected out of a relationship. For instance in the official voters guide an example of daily interaction between spouses is descript as if to show they are not much different than a heterosexual marriage. The guide postulates, â€Å"When you’re married and your spouse is sick or hurt, there is no confusion: you get into the ambulance or hospital room with no questions asked. IN EVERYDAY LIFE, AND ESPECIALLY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH† (Official California Legislative Information). The gay community displays the similarity of marriage interaction in daily life is the same as any other marriage would be. Marriage roles are portrayed to be similar, and the situation presented above uses words such as, hurt and sick. This invokes the audience to relate to the situation presented of care and nurture for one’s spouse. Although, there are some differences in the expected roles in a marriage, for only a single gender identity is shared between the spouses. For instance, in the role of a wedding usually both partners wear the traditional clothing used for their sex. Lesbians dress in wedding dress attire as the gay men wear the traditional suit. This infers that in a gay marriage their roles are different than that of traditional couples. It objectifies the image of two masculine or feminine figures in a relationship, demonstrating marriage is about love, and not fulfilling prescribed gender roles. The symbolic meaning of commitment is also displayed through the exchange of wedding bands. The gay community’s ideals on marriage are centered more around love than sexuality. Gays use this traditional wedding practice as a way to explicate the language of love, and equality in marriage. To the contrary, those in favor of Proposition 8 argue the need to restore the definition of marriage for the sake of protecting the children. They argue that marriage itself is traditional and the meaning needs to be reallocated for sexual preference. The argument is made that domestic partnerships give all the same rights as a marriage just the title is different. Further, the language used to describe gay marriage is severely negative. Gay marriages are described as â€Å"same-sex marriages† for the sole purpose of pointing out the sexuality of the marriage. We can distinguish this in the arguments presented that our children are to be protected from. The voter’s guide reads â€Å"It protects our children from being taught in public schools that ‘same-sex marriage’ is the same as traditional marriage† (Official California Legislative Information). The argument uses strong words such as protect and traditional as if gay marriage were a threat to our society. Those in favor of Proposition 8 question why they should have to deal with gay marriages when raising children. As I recall there was an advertisement on television during election warning people about societal issues our children will have to deal with. The commercial demonstrated a hild’s confusion as to why she had 2 daddies, yet mommies were the ones who made the babies. The child’s confusion of marriage sexual identities promotes gay marriage as a social issue in raising kids. Those in favor of Proposition 8 claim that gays are putting their adult desires first before the children. Derogatory terms are used in protests against those who oppose Proposition 8. In rallies across California supporting Proposition 8, such as the one on the left, implement the feeling of hate. The term fag implies a negative connotation upon the being homosexual. Additionally, the word depraved implies that the gay lifestyle is a social burden to America. Those who support the banning of gay marriage perceive this as a social problem of a minority group trying to change social culture. Gays should live private lives and not bring their lifestyle to the public arena and force society to change. Moreover, the argument against Proposition 8 holds a much stronger stand against those who support it. First, we must understand that language in society will always change and adapt to the needs of society. Marriage just as many other words will be redefined as society expands out of the two traditional gender roles. The gay community needs to be included as the law has to prescribe to everyone equally. As we see in the protest rallies, the movements’ association with civil rights of the blacks helps their argument gain solidarity. A popular slogan across protests was â€Å"Gay is the new Black†. I experienced protestors in Fresno, CA yelling this to supporters of Proposition 8. The correlation of the blacks civil rights display their desires and emphasize discrimination. In addition, supporters claim children will be confused as to sexuality preferences, yet sexuality preferences don’t usually profess themselves until puberty. In this adolescence the children will be able to cognate their own sexual preference. Those in support are simply trying to prevent gays from their prescribed rights. When have we ever heard of a vocabulary word that needed its definition restored? Marriage is defined differently by many societies and who are we to say that a minority group should be exempt from it. As the gay language further manifests itself with civil rights language, it will draw increasing support from the gay community as well as civil rights activists. Works Cited California Marriage Protection Act,  § 7. 5. Kulick, Don. â€Å"Gay and Lesbian Language. † Annual Review of Anthropology 29 (2000): 243-85. Litosseliti, Lia. Gender and Language Theory and Practice. New York: A Hodder Arnold Publication, 2006. Official California Legislative Information. 04 Nov. 2008. California Legislation. 05 Mar. 2009 .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nutri Natural, Herbal and Vitamin Supplements Research Paper

Nutri Natural, Herbal and Vitamin Supplements - Research Paper Example In addition, many organizations are watching the growth of this demand and competition is already building. Therefore, market positioning and efficiency in marketing company products has become more relevant. For a company such as Nutri that intends to launch their online retail sale of natural, herbal and food vitamins, it is crucial to understand the market dynamics, distribution and the nature of competition within the market to be successful. Notably, the UK food supplements market is complex, and brand positioning is a necessary effort. In the past ten years, it is evident that the demand for supplements and vitamins has grown considerably and is already at a plateau phase. Approximately, the Food and Supplements market will reach $786 million within the next five years. Therefore, there is an opportunity for investment in this industry. UK enjoys stable economic growth and the low rates of unemployment in the country points out that the public have a well-grounded purchasing power (Ritchie 2-7). If this continues in the near future, it is obvious that the food supplements market will grow in tandem with the public demand. To this end, the economic perspective of the US food supplements market favors Nutri’s intention to launch their food supplements market. The social-cultural factors appear to be the main drivers of the demand for food supplements in the UK market. The high rates of obesity and health-related diseases have triggered a sudden change in the diet behavior in the UK. UK is among some of the countries have high rates of health-related diseases in the world due to high consumption of energy-rich foods. This trend has seen many health organizations as well as the government launch public awareness programs in the world to warn the public against unhealthy feeding habits. Consequently, the public is becoming aware of the need to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Families, society and school Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Families, society and school - Research Paper Example The city covers an area of approximately 71 square miles, where population is considered quite dense, as 34,919.6 individuals cover every square mile (â€Å"Brookly (Borough), New York,† 2009). The general household figures in Brooklyn reaches to 21,544, with typical incomes average at 56,293$ (â€Å"Brooklyn: City Profile,† 2011). Considering the demographic background, the combination of lower median incomes and densely populated area appeared to converge on one critical issue, family homelessness. Brooklyn City had been recorded to have one of the highest percentages of family homelessness in the state of New York, with a result of 2.86 families, in overall result of 2.90, utilizing shelter programs (â€Å"Brooklyn, n.d.†). While families in such category struggle to meet the basic needs of food, water and safe shelter, and basic education of the children (among other child needs) appeared to be neglected in the process. Children, unlike the adult groups, requ ire consistent guidance and protection, as they are not yet equipped with developmental maturity to hold stable jobs. At most, they are at high risk for failure, as their homeless status makes them more liable to experience â€Å"economic deprivation, family loss or separation (and) social and emotional instability† (Mickelson, 2000, p. 66). As they cannot afford to enroll in exclusive middle schools, most go to public middle schools, such as the Seth Low School. Situated in Brooklyn’s Bensohurst area, Seth Low School is classified as a middle school catering to students from grades six to eight. The said school is considered a vital educational institution in Brooklyn communities, as it has provided quality service for over 80 years (â€Å"Seth Low,† 2010, p. 5). On average, students enrolled in the school frequently reach to more than a thousand, while the teaching staff in-charge in classroom lessons totaled to 74 instructors. Majority of the students are Asi ans, closely followed by White Americans, and some small percentages of Black Americans and Hispanic children (â€Å"I.S 96 Seth Low,† 2011). Committed to achieve the ultimate goal of the school for academic excellence, a variety of programs had been offered to support students in their studies, such as â€Å"special education students.† In line with this, other academic improvements also aimed at involving the families of the school’s students in learning, including the two-year project on integrated computer education, providing computer sets to selected families as part of the â€Å"Computers for the Youth Initiative.† More importantly, community involvement had been considered for the development of its students, partnering with â€Å"FIAO (Italian-American Organizations)† for the sponsorship of student programs that takes place at the end of the day and during weekends. Significantly, collaboration in community settings does not end here, as f ormal links had been forged to promote initiatives on â€Å"Counseling in Schools, Creative Connections, and the Leadership† (â€Å"Seth Low,† 2010, p. 5). Such activities demonstrated the multi-dimensional approach that the school had employed, focusing on the environment factors, such as the family and community that shape their students’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Study for econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Study for econ - Essay Example The economic systems are classified on the basis of the ownership of the factor of production, the legal framework, level of competition, distribution of income, and the organization of decision making. The economic systems are evaluated on the basis of the abovementioned factors or criteria and are normally categorized into three main categories which are as follow: Capitalism is basically derived from the right to life, right to liberty, and right to property. This means that capitalism supports the private ownership of the property in order to control the means of production. Other important characteristics include exchange, capital, efficiency, use of markets, etc. In capitalism the market is controlled by the market forces and there is decentralized decision making and economic system. At the same time there are no legal or political institutions or framework to control the market. Five basic characteristics of capitalism economic system are as follow: Marx implemented the theory of history on the sociological and economic impacts of the capitalism economic system. He was of the idea that the capitalism can only occur in short run due to its negative impacts in long run and thus viewed the capitalism economic system at historical stage. According to him the capitalism economics system can only be progressive in short run and eventually will be useless and will be overtaken by socialism. Marx criticized the approach of capitalism as a social economic relation only between the people as opposite to the relation between the people and resources or things. The concept of the private ownership of capital tends to benefit the owners and ignore the labors and workers. The owners earn profits and income on the expense of the labors and workers. He claimed that the capitalism will results in accumulation of more and more capital by the owner and thus diminishing the labors or working class and thus will create the need of social reforms. H ence, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organic versus Inorganic Farming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organic versus Inorganic Farming - Research Paper Example This paper presents a critique of organic versus in-organic farming. It focuses on the costs and benefits in relation to health and meeting the nutritional needs of the global populace. People are becoming aware of the problems associated with pesticides and foods that are grown using in-organic farming. For example, Gabriel and Tscharntke (2007) observe that pesticides that contain heavy metals such as lead can get into the body system by feeding on food that has traces of chemicals. Tomatoes are among the farmed fruits that the European Union has restricted entry into the market due to traces in the chemicals. Such foods that may gradually lead to cancer as the chemicals build up in the body. Apart from plants, livestock is also produced organically through avoidance of the use of synthetic chemicals to control pests. In-organic farmers also apply phytohormones that include chemicals that regulate the growth of plants. The growth enhancers facilitate the development of leaves, ripening of fruits as well as the strengthening of stems. These developments are desirable especially for the early maturity of the plants. However, they have dire health implications. Some of the hormones may affect cellular activity leading to the death of cells as well as stress in plants. On the other hand, they also have an impact on humans consuming the plants. The hormones may facilitate the development of cancer. Leukemia, prostate, and breast cancer are among the problems that are associated with hormones for growth enhancement in plants. One of the hormones that are understood to affect cancer cells in humans is Sodium salicylate and methyl jasmonate among others (Avery, 2006). In essence, organic farming maintains soil fertility; it is environmentally friendly and also does not endanger the lives of humans.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Theater Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Theater - Research Paper Example It portrays the writer as one who lived in the small estate outside Moscow and loved travelling while those he created slug in the rural parts of Russia. The play entails a lot of ironies and off stages performances that requires an acute sense of listening and sight to connect. The Seagull is the pioneer among the Chekhov’s four plays, his work are praised for the projection of melodrama intertwined with conventional dramatic topics and techniques that transcends Chekhov’s styles. The Seagull introduces the technique of â€Å"indirect action† a situation in which violent or intensive events in the play are not presented on the stage. Such events occur in the intervals of play as viewed by the audience and involve the inaugurated major changes in both the writing and execution of the play on the stage which is a persistent evolution in the present day play writing (Jae, 2012). Chekhov’s main plays capture little of traditional plot with primary activities of quotidian performed by characters with conversations of illusions of the unseen events which are intermingled with issues of daily affairs and discussions from random observations. Chekhov’s plays are characterized by momentous events which are depicted from the characters’ actions and scripts seen in their effects to each other. These plays often seem to focus more on the characters’ reactions to events than on the main events themselves. His plays are able to analysis and convey the effects of crucial events in the character’s lives more precisely than in other plays. These characteristics and techniques are clearly portrayed in the play The Seagull where highly charged events of drama are traditionally displayed though is not portrayed on the stage. We only see the effects of usual life in the lives of characters and no crises are clearly shown in the usual sense. This is only presented by the precipitating events and the effects of their consequences in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Short story Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short story Critique - Essay Example The point of view in this story is that of a third person. This is because the narrator is an unnamed entity, who conveys the story without being an actual character (Rasley 21). It is the best point of view, since this is a fictitious narrative. There is dialogue from the story, such as that between young princess Mali and her mother Viutiv, this conversation, and others contained therein help in guiding the reader through the series of events that led to the Mali Kingdom’s downfall. The dialogues also suit the characters properly, for instance when the foreign prince states â€Å"Tell them how you pillaged and raided defenseless Oaungbre towns, laying waste to man, woman, and beast alike†, it is a clear indicator that he is speaking from a place of anguish and anger. The writer is articulate, making it easy to identify characters speaking at all times. The ending, just like the beginning is equally captivating and undoubtedly makes one want to read about other vengean ce plans the prince had for the royal family and Mali as a whole. It is difficult to discern weaknesses in this story, owing to the clear expression of ideas by the writer, and in a smooth flowing manner. Nevertheless, making the narrative more dramatic would intrigue readers even further; it would also be advisable for the writer to show how the royal family interacted with common civilians prior to the downfall. This would help the audience to identify and sympathize with the main character. A Thin Line The title of this story easily capture’s a reader’s attention. The beginning also introduces an aspect of curiosity among the characters, which translates to curiosity among readers as well. The presence of police and ambulances, as indicated by the flashing lights and... The title of this story easily capture’s a reader’s attention. The beginning also introduces an aspect of curiosity among the characters, which translates to curiosity among readers as well. The presence of police and ambulances, as indicated by the flashing lights and hovering onlookers gives the impression that an injurious crime must have taken place, and it is only natural to ponder over these events. However, the story lacks a smooth transition into the narration of events that occurred months earlier culminating in the beginning scene. The point of view is that of a third party since the narrator is uninvolved and unnamed. This story has numerous dialogues such as that between a character named Alexis and her mum. It is also difficult to tell the person speaking, an excellent illustration of this obscurity being the statement â€Å"Hey, just ignore her. Please Kevin everyone is having a good time and it has been more than two months since you guys broke up. You n eed to just move on and leave Jamie alone.†

Friday, August 23, 2019

U.S. manned spaceflight proram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. manned spaceflight proram - Essay Example Space travels have now become an integral part of the exploration programs in the outer world. These travels are undertaken with the stated objectives of carrying out researches and scientific studies. During the cold war era, when both USSR and USA were busy in upstaging each other's maneuvers the spaceflight program got a big boost.Both countries used to suspect each other's motives and tried to be the first with the latest technology to spy from the outer world. All this, no doubt, enriched the space exploration program, but it came at a huge cost attached to it. This led to severe criticism of such a program and questions were being raised on the utility of such a program. With the disintegration of USSR into many smaller nations the race has come to a halt and now we have only one super-power, but the space program continues. It not only has strategic importance, but there are vast possibilities for the scientific community to know the nature, the environment, the surroundings o f the earth etc. It appears little far fetched, but to explore the possibilities of life in the outer space will also be known only when we continue with the space exploration program. It is indeed capital intensive, and the outcome cannot be quantified in general terms, but it is also a fact that not every nation can afford to have such an ability to spend on exploring the outer world. Colino (1987) contends that when reviewing the space exploration program of U.S. a perceptible change in the policy is quite apparent. 'While in the 1960s and 1970s, U.S. space policy focused on given objectives ranging from national security, to Cold War competition with the Soviet Union, to the belief that exploration of space for learning, knowledge and, perhaps simply, "because it's there" were worthy goals per se. These clearly stated objectives fueled the most successful American space initiatives, many of which were conducted directly, openly, and, in some areas, with extensive international c ooperation.' Now the international community too is actively cooperating with America in the different forms to understand the intricacies of outer space. The financial aspect is of course looked mainly from the American pocket, and that is quite understandable as well. We cannot expect the countries like the third world nations, showing active interest in the space exploration program, to finance such projects. In fact from strategic point of view an international partnership in such projects gives scope for a better understanding amongst nations, which in turn helps in lessening the political rivalry and brings up the mutual trust, a prerequisite for world peace. Manned spaceflight provides more room for exploring the potentials of outer world, studying and analyzing the extraterrestrial activities etc. Manned spaceflights no doubt puts the life of the individual/s on great risk, but it is worthwhile here to mention that with the help of unmanned spaceflights we can only have a limited success in such explorations. Russian space traveler Yuri Garagin was the first one to go up there in 1961, but now American adventures have gone many steps ahead of Russia, thanks to the consistent efforts from the respective US governments. Mr. Steven Weinberg has been questioning the motives and utility of such space programs. The International Space Station (ISS) program in particular has come in the firing line, for not producing scientific results commensurate with the kind of investments (Prechtl and Whitesides, 2007). But, such are the risks with the scientific programs whatsoever. The research community is busy looking out a cure for AIDS, but so far they've not been able to come out with any credible cure for the disease.

Balloon Frame Constructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Balloon Frame Constructions - Essay Example The studs of wood are used to erect walls from the foundation up to the roofline that is long, concealed and is obstructed by the ventricle channels. The floor joint are normally hung from the wall studs. .Incase fire elapses in this kind of construction it spreads from the lower floors up to the floor level which leads to the collapse of the structure (Avillo, 2002, p.123). The ventricle combustion spaces are found between the walls of the studs of a balloon frame building enhancing the spread of fires from one door to the next. In case the fire spreads into the stud space or if it originates from the stud place it easily spreads from the ventricle cavity into the horizontal joints and into the attic space. When re-modeling a balloon frame building, fire stopping techniques may or may not be installed .The reason for this decision is because installation of the fire protective mechanisms can be an expensive process. It has been observed that the sprinklers cannot be used in extinguishing fires in the balloon fire structures. The basement of the balloon-frame building can easily catch fire; this is because it has an impediment access to the entire structure through using the unfirestoppable walls.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Personal Explorations Paper Essay Example for Free

Personal Explorations Paper Essay Over the course of 7 modules, different personality aspects of mine have been tested and evaluated and have even revealed things about myself that I was not aware of. The surveys and questions that I answered dug deep into decisions and choice I make, how I think and how I feel to reveal certain characteristics about myself, some of which I was aware of and others that I was not. Things such as my expression of sexuality, different levels and aspects of my psychology, my personal reactions to certain social situations, and the way I pursue and value my career were all evaluated by answering questionnaires. In the end a lot was revealed about the way I handle and look at things and even my overall personality. My expression of sexuality was not really a huge surprise to me. My values and my religious beliefs I believe played a huge part of expression of sexuality. I believe that sex is something that was designed by God exclusively for marriage. Although that has not always been what I valued or walked by in my life, it is now my beliefs since I am not married. My intermediate and low scores concerning sexual esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation didnt surprise me, but I do feel that because of my beliefs and how I now view sex that my responses automatically made it seemed as if I struggled with the sexual esteem, depression and preoccupation which is not the case. I view sex as a temptation that I cannot indulge into until Im married. If I were surprised by anything it would be that my scores were not lower. Positive psychology was another aspect of my personality that I was  questioned and evaluated on. The questions yielded 4 scores, my orientation to pleasure, to engagement, meaning and to victory. My highest score amongst the 4 orientations scores was orientation to meaning. This I feel was very reflective on to how I feel and how I view my life. Meaning embodies all the feelings, hopes, joys and outlooks I have on life, my life and the meaning attached to it. I believe every person is born into this world with a God given purpose. Everyones life has meaning although not everyone during his or her lifetime accept, recognize or fulfill his or her meaning. What I do with my life should be a direct reflection of the love of Jesus within me. All of those things contribute greatly to how I view my life and the meaning attached to it. My lowest score was victory and I believe that is also an accurate depiction of my personality. I am not a person who values or lives to compete with others, be better than others or outdo what others have done or gotten. Doing so, in my eyes, takes away from the meaning of ones life. I see it as the lower the victory score the more the person is in tune with the meaning of their lives. My person reactions to social situations is an area I believe that I have certain seen personal growth and development in for myself. I found myself tested by 2 different questionnaires, The Self, and Friendship and Love. I believe if I would have answered some of these questions earlier this summer my responses would have been a tad different and I would have probably scored a number that reflected how badly I handled and felt in social situations. I was surprised to see myself get a low score on the Friendship and Love assessment because I believed that is one area I have definitely seen myself grow in. I believe gaining confidence in myself allowed me to handle social situation differently then before. I believe that this year has been the year of tremendous personal growth and the development of a stronger and wiser person that I have stepped into an embraced. The way I have handled situations has definitely improved from the way I used to handle and approach things. The assessment on Careers and Work, I saw myself score an 89, which is considered low. I contribute that low score from a lack of wisdom, knowledge and experience. I have been in the Air Force since June 2009, so since then  I have yet to transition back into the civilian world and workforce. My need to job hunt and my techniques on how I do so are pretty much non-existent but this is definitely an area I am currently seeking to grow and become more knowledge in because I do not plan on making the military a career after my contract ends. Growing in this area will set me up to have a successful transition into the civilian world. I have definitely seen areas of personal growth and developments reflected in most of the scores and believe they are direct reflections of how I feel inside. A few scores I believe did not accurately paint the picture of myself that I thought it should paint and that made me reflect on my characteristics and personality traits. These past 7 seven weeks, I have evaluated my life and observed my reactions to various situations and I believe personal growth can be found in the midst of that.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Moving and positioning an individual in healthcare

Moving and positioning an individual in healthcare Meaning and definition: Moving and handling is defined as any activity that connects pushing, pulling, carrying, lifting or moving where the above activities place people at danger and must not be carried out without thought and awareness to organizational policies and procedures. Moving and positioning is a significant area in health and social care as there are hundreds of injuries every year as a result of accidents acquired when we move people where an accident may cause serious injury to the individual being moved and have long term effects on the care worker carrying out the move, which may consequence in disability and pain for the rest of our lives. We should remember that injury can also be acquires as a result of not moving a non-living object properly ( Elements of competence HSC360a prepare the equipment, the environment and the individual for moving and positioning: Before we carry out any activity at work that involves moving and handling we must be trained, to carry out the moves and also to ensure we have sufficient knowledge of our own body to work. Safely moving and handling incidents occur as a result of lack of awareness, slippery floors, lack of preparation, faulty equipment, lack of co-operation from the individual, poorly trained and ill prepared staff Health and safety measures( ) Health and safety measures: All features of health and safety are enclosed by legislation. Legislation of moving and handling: The legislation is based on the idea that the prevention of accidents or injury depends on the understanding of the risk factors in a particular work situation. The more traditional approach of attempting to prevent back pain by instructing people in the basic principles of how to lift is not sufficient. The relevant legislation covering moving and handling, equipment and risk assessment can be summarized as Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations) 1992, the provision and use of Workplace Equipment Regulations 1998, and the Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998(Cheshire East Council, 2009). We know that moving people safely is no exception. Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974: This legislation sets out the general duties which employers have towards employees and members of the public, and employees have to themselves and to each other where the act explains that employers should have to make sure as far as rationally workable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees when employees are at work and any other persons will be affected by their business activities (HSE leaflet, 1996). Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992: This regulation was refined the act 1974 where Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 need employers to carry out risk assessments, recording the significant findings. Furthermore, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 also compels employers to make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as necessary by the risk assessment, appoint competent people (often themselves or company colleagues) to help them to implement the arrangements, set up emergency procedures provide clear information and training to employees, and work together with other employers sharing the same workplace (HSE leaflet, 1996). Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR), 1992: MHOR (1992) taken into practice on 1st January 1993 to implement European Directive 90/269/EEC and has added to the duties on employers by the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). On the other hand, MHOR needs a risk assessment approach which takes into account whether it is rationally practicable to mechanize the process where the employers are compelled to provide equipment to keep away from the hazardous manual handling of loads. And these regulations apply wherever things or people are moved by hand or bodily force. On the other hand, the responsibility for implementing safety requirements tends to fall on personnel directly responsible for the co-ordination and supervision of work (McGuire,, 1997; Nelson, Baptiste, 2006). The Regulations impose duties on employers, self-employed people and employees where employers must avoid all hazardous manual handling activity where it is reasonably practicable to do so. If it is no t, they must assess the risks in relation to the nature of the task, the load, the working environment and the capabilities of the handler and take appropriate action to reduce the risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable. Employees must follow appropriate work systems introduced by their employer to promote safety during moving and handling. Ensuring safety for ourselves, our colleagues and the person being moved is the combined responsibility of our and our employer. The health and safety environment supplies guidelines about weights which can be safely lifted which are very general guides and are not a substitute for a risk assessment, because many factors can affect the risks in each situation of residents. Factors that can affect the risk are summarized as the height of the bed and hoist, the ability of the individual to assist, the environment, the amount of room to maneuver, and the skill and experience of the staff member (Nolan,, 2008). Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998: LOLER was taken into practice on 5 December 1998 which intends to reduce risks to health and safety from lifting equipment provided for use at work. LOLER requires that equipment has to be strong and stable enough for the intended load, marked to indicate safe working load, used safely: the equipments use should be organized, planned and executed by competent people and subject to ongoing examination and inspection by competent people. LOLER (1998) covers Hoists, slings and bath hoists where the regulations state that lifting equipment has to be carefully examined by capable people at least every six months in the case of equipment used to lift people, and at least yearly in the case of other tools(Health and Safety Executive, 1998), Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998: Provision and use of work Equipment regulations (1998) is a detailed regulation covering lifting equipment which should be suitable for its intended use, safe to use and appropriately maintained and inspected to ensure it remains safe to use, accompanied by appropriate safety measures such as warnings and markings, and used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training (Health and Safety Executive, 1998), The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995): This regulation compels the employers to report major injuries, dangerous occurrences and diseases. If there is an accident connected with work including an act of physical violence and employee, or a self-employed person working on premises, suffers an over-three-day injury it must send a completed accident report form (F2508) to the enforcing authority within ten days. An over-three-day injury is one which is not major but results in the injured person being away from work or unable to do their normal work for more than three days. On the other hand, if an employee suffered a moving and handling injury that resulted in inability to do her/his usual work for more than three days, the employer would be obliged to report. For example, a care assistant suffers a back injury when lifting a heavy load and is unable to work for four days. Major injures are fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes, ampu tation, and dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine and the dangerous occurrences covers collapse, and overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment(Health and Safety Executive, 1999; Health and Safety Executive, 2001). Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999): Regulations (1992) were cancelled and replaced with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 that re-enacted the provisions of the 1992 regulations and merged modification made to the 1992 regulations. Regulations also cancel the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1994. This regulations was taken into practice on 29 December 1999 and include implement principles of prevention in regulations rather than through an Approved Code of Practice, clarify that employers should use capable employees in preference to external sources for competent advice and assistance on health and safety, include a specific requirement to arrange necessary contacts with emergency services regarding first aid, emergency medical care and rescue and designate workers to implement fire fire-fighting procedures, and make it explicit that it is not a defense for employers to claim that they were unable to meet their ob ligations because of any act or default by employees or competent persons(HSE Press Release C058:99, 1999). Views, preferences, and choice of residents: We must develop and maintain the relationship that promotes views, preference and need of individual. The people I work with are old and having dementia and they have a right to choose the way they are cared for. I should always let them be as independent as possible according to their condition. I support individual to communicate their views and preference in according to their need and priorities. I help and support resident as individual and with respect and dignity. For example: What time they wish to get up and have their meals? What they want to wear? What they wish to do during the day? Whether they want to stay in their room or wish to go to the lounge? I encourage the individual to take as much responsibilities themselves if they are able and it is possible (Burrbidges, 2003). The beliefs and preferences of an individual affect the way of moving and positioning the residents. We should find out their likes and preference and should not force them whatever they do not like. For example, clients from cultural backgrounds like, Middle Eastern and some Asian cultures may not wish to be moved, touched, or seen unclothed by healthcare professionals of the opposite sex where some Asian cultures wish to be involved in care to the point that they may watch over the patient around the clock, taking shifts, and they might wish to do the turning. On the other hand, some people simply favor not to be moved due to shyness. However, patients must be turned one way or another because of the safety risks posed to skin integrity, formation of contractures which limit range of motion and mobility (Burridges, 2003). Role of career to encourage independency to residents: We should provide active support to encourage an individual to participate and manage their own work .The dignity, and privacy of an individual must be respected all the times which help to maintain their self esteem and sense of well being. Environment and equipments before moving and handling individual When I have to move the person then I should be careful and I must explain the person before assist them, what is going to happen and try as much as possible to keep away from lifting altogether, trying rather to roll, to slide or to turn the person. The use of simple and fairly inexpensive aids will eliminate the need lifting or heavy handling. Moving and handling has special rules: I need to make sure that I have enough space to move smoothly and freely. Move any obstructions for space to move, place my feet comfortably apart so that I have a firm base. Always stand as close as possible to the person to be moved, bend at the knees so that I can use the strong leg muscles, do not bend or twist at the waist. Try to maintain the S shape of My spine to help to reduce the strain on my back ( ). Infection controls: Meaning: Infection control is an important part of an effective risk management program to improve the quality of residential care and the occupational health of staff. Hygiene is very important factor to prevent cross infection as we always work closely with the residents (Infection, 2004). The infection that spread from one person to another is called cross infection which is very essential to control in a care home. It is very important to take standard precaution to minimize the risk of cross infection. We must wear gloves as it act as a protective barrier against infection. Hand washing should be done :before and after performing any procedure, after contact with any body fluid, soiled linen or clinical waste ,before starting and after finishing work, after eating, after using the toilet, after coughing, sneezing, or blowing our nose, We should wear protective clothing as it helps to reduce the spread of infection by preventing infection getting on our clothes and spreading to the next person we come into contact with. We should tie up our hair because it may disturb our visible path to handle our residents, may entangled in equipment which may cause a serious injury as well as may come into contact with the individuals that can spread infection. Clinical instruments, syringe bottles gloves, aprons, needle, glass should be dispose in yellow sharp container or bag. It is very important to clean all the equipments after using each resident because infections can breakthrough one person to another person on instrument, equipments and linen. Waste should be disposed properly in the right place. Clinical waste has to be thrown in yellow bag/bin soiled linen should be collected in a red bag for the laundry. Recyclable instruments and equipments should be disposed in the blue bin (Nolan, 2005). Health and safety measures: Individual care plan: A nursing care plan can be defined as a set of actions the nurse/health care personal will implement to resolve nursing problems identified by assessment where the creation of the plan is an intermediate stage of the nursing process ( care plan). The care plan contains information about persons day to day care .It should give details of any assistance required to wash or bath it may include using a bath hoist .It will also include the persons preference, for example if the person prefers to bath or shower. It should give details of the persons mobility. If the person uses a frame to walk this should be recorded. If a person requires walking aid and the help of one or two members of staff to walk, this has to be recorded in the care plan (Nazarko 2000). Model of care plan and its reflection to my work: Assessment Data Nursing Diagnosis Goals Nursing interventions Expected Outcomes Immediate risk to individual: Meaning and importance of communication in moving and handling individuals: Communication can be defined as a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of different symbols (McDaniel,, 2009). Any decision that we make is only as good as the information it is best on. Communication is vitally important to the quality of care. Staff needs to communicate effectively if they are to give the best possible care. As a care assistant, we have to work closely with residents where residents may express their condition with us. For example, a resident may say he/she is finding difficult walk around because the pain in her/his knees is so bad and the tablets which she/he is having is not working. This is significant information which we have to report our nurse, because effective communication leads to the residents receiving effective treatment to control pain and improve mobility. As I m working with vulnerable and old peopl e, they are dependable on care staff working in the home .Therefore we have a duty to act in a professional way and protect the confidentiality of information that achieve during their care( Heath, and Ford, 1996). Risk assessment: Meaning of risk assessment: Risk assessment is the most important factor to decide what a hazard in the workplace is. It is clear that precautions should be put into place so that the risk is minimized with altogether when the risk is determined to be significant enough. In other words, It is a legal requirement to avoid manual handling which could increase the risk of injury. Risk assessment is unavoidable therefore the employer must make an assessment; take appropriate measures to remove or reduce the risk of injury; provide information on the load; and review risk assessments ( In other words, a risk assessment considers the probability of an incident occurring and the severity of the injury or damage that may occur. The necessary steps are conclude as to look at the hazards, to decide who might be harmed and how, to evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done, to record findings, and to review assessment and revise if necessary( Risk assessment is the most important factor to decide what a hazard in the workplace is. It is clear that precautions should be put into place so that the risk is minimized with altogether when the risk is determined to be significant enough. The first step is to look for hazards: Being a social career, we have to go round of the workplace and check for potential dangers which will minimize the risks towards residents as well as whole team members The second step is to decide who might be harmed and how: We have to decide who might be particularly at risk and how we can remove potential harm to residents as well as ourselves and service users We can summarize the third step that health care assistants must analyze whether there have been sufficient precautions put into place to counter the hazard. The next step is to record findings: On the way of risk assessment, we have to inform to senior staff or nurse in-charge verbally or mention on the record We should always check that the risk assessment has been carried out before we conduct any tasks and then to follow the steps identified in the assessment to reduce the risk (Nolan, 2005). Similarly, risk related with lifting and moving people can be arranged in a systematic, practical way by applying the risk management principles outlined by â‚ ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  identifying the factors likely to cause injury, â‚ ¬Ã‚  assessing the potential risks to workers and other persons affected by the work, â‚ ¬Ã‚  implementing control measures to eliminate or reduce the risks, and â‚ ¬Ã‚  monitoring and review the effectiveness of the control measures( Act worker, 2000). Fact about back injuries: Our back is at work 24 hrs a day which has to hold our entire body and support most of our weight. Most of the injuries involved are sprain and strain caused by poor posture followed by repeated over a long period of time. Our body is like a machine which needs to be cared properly to perform a work without any problem. Therefore we can prevent back injuries by learning the best way to sit stand and lift (http:/ Research finding of Nurse Education in Practice has summarized the poor practice of moving and handling of individuals in Nursing homes are use of bed sheets to drag patients up the bed, non-completion of risk assessments, no assessment of patients abilities, lifting/using condemned techniques, supporting the patients weight, poor communication, poor management of equipment, and non-completion of equipment safety checks (Jones, and Cornish, 2010). Clothing: Research has summarised that the type of clothing a worker wears can hinder the safe moving of clients and has further concluded that clothing should be comfortable and enable freedom of movement and footwear should provide adequate grip and stability. For example, clothing factors which may lead to injury during handling because short or tight skirts which hinder the workers correct feet and hip positioning and high-heeled shoes which prevent stability and balance. On the hand, jewellery or long, untied hair which can be grabbed or pulled by clients being moved (Designing workplaces for the safer handling of patients/residents, 1999). The clothing which we wear during moving and handling is very important because clothing may affect the procedure, and cause injury. Reflection: In my nursing home where I m working, our uniform is comfortable. I wear comfortable trouser, loose tunic top and supportive shoes .I have never faced the problem and hindrances with my uniform during moving and handling. Importance of proper moving and handling individuals correctly: The importance of proper )handling and moving can be summarized that proper moving and handling can minimize the risk of injury where injury harms residents as well as their family members, and work colleagues ( Risk assessment has two parts where employer and employees. Their roles are inseparable in order to minimize the risk and hazards. The employers duties are summarized to avoid the need for hazardous manual handling as far as is reasonably practicable, to assess the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling that cant be avoided, to and reduce the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling, as far as reasonably practicable. On the other hand, employees duties and responsibilities are concluded to follow appropriate systems of work laid down for their safety. To make proper use of equipment provided to minimize the risk of injury, to co-operate with the employer on health and safety matters. If a care assistant fails to use a hoist that has been provided, they are putting themselves at risk of injury. The employer is unlikely to be liable, to apply the duties of employers, as appropriate, to their own manual handling activities, and to taking care to ensure that their activities do not put others at risk( ). Various hazards can be summarized as environmental hazards, hazards related to equipments, and hazards related to people where environmental hazards includes slippery floors, messy corridors, rearrange furniture, worn carpet and electrical flexes. On the other hand, hazards related with equipments and materials involves faulty brakes on bed, faulty electrical machines, damaged lifting equipments, incorrectly labeled substances, leaking a damage container, and worn mobility aids. Similarly, hazards connected to people covers handling procedures, visitors to the building, intruder violent and aggressive behavior (Nolan, 2005). Preparing for moving and handling: We have to wash our hand and should wear suitable cloth and footwear. We must check the care plan before starting moving an individual and assess the risk. We must always work in pair. We have to remove the potential hazard and prepare the immediate environment. We should ask the individual the best way of moving how they prefer and assist accordingly. We must explain the procedure in each and every stage even though they are unable to understand We must explain about how the equipment operates. We must check the agreement of the individual we are moving. We should stop immediately if the individual is not willing to continue as we cannot move an individual without his consent (Nolan, 2005). HSC360b Move and position the individual , Method of moving and handling: We should always avoid manual lifting unless it is emergencies or a life threatening situation because there is no weight limit for lifting .It is very important to use the correct equipment according to an individuals need which we can find out checking the care paln. Before performing moving and handling risk assessment must be carried out to avoid the possible harm and injury (Nolan, 2006) Principles of moving and positioning individuals: The principles of moving and handling has summarized as follows. From the first day in practice, we must not put ourselves at risk, never lift alone, find out where all the lifting aids are We have to assess the situation for moving the patient We have to communicate clearly with our resident so that all know what to expect and do. We have to avoid tensing our muscles We have to adopt a stable posture which usually means having our feet about a hip-width apart We have to keep our knees soft or bent We have to keep the load as close as to our body as possible and avoiding stretching We have to avoid twisting or bending sideways (Gilling, 2001). Equipment for moving and handling: There are various types of moving and handling equipment available in medical field such as: hoist, transfer board /sheet, slide boards, turn discs, monkey pole or lifting handle, handling belts, patient hand block etc. The most common used equipments in our nursing home are: different type of hoist (such as standing, oxford, triangle), sliding sheet, transfer belt, before using any equipment we must read the manual hand book and follow the instruction. Hoist: Appropriate hoists and slings have to be used for the residents according to the individual needs. The ridge of the hoist has to be faced outwards and away from the residents to protect from potential injury where we have to place the sling around or under the service users. If we use standing hoist, the sling must be placed around the waist and tighten the belt. To use hoist, theoretical knowledge is not sufficient where practical skills of the workplace is a significant part of using hoist properly. Training provided by the Nursing Home has to be taken by the care worker. If something is confused to use hoist, we have to ask our senior before using it and always work with partners (Nolan, 2006). Sliding sheet: Reflection from the student

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay

System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay J.W Couriers has recently launched offices in the Wrexham area. It is an self governing company operating in North Wales and North West England. The company has no connection with any other national operation so in order to compete it supplies a manageable operation. In addition to the normal collection and delivery of parcels, it concentrate on legal documents, urgent medical supplies, sensitive material, valuable cargo, hazardous loads, contract work, etc. Site Goals: Allowing the customer to create an account Allowing the customer to request a quote for a collection/delivery service. Allowing the user to track Parcel from collection to the final destination. Allowing the admin to register a new user. Allowing the admin to add a new parcel location. Allowing the Quotes for different Parcel Types. Accept/Reject Customer Request. View the different types of Quotes. Adding the Branches for different Warehouses. Allowing the user change his/her personal details. Audience: Every project has its own trend to its audience. Due to massive usage of web (internet) is easy to carry out many kinds of business in online. . Audience for this type of business are the people who require the courier service to collect/deliver the goods from one place to another. By asking the jobs and quoting the price in online. The audience must know how to use the internet and how to quote the price. B. Competition Analysis: List of organizations: BLUEDART ( ROYAL MAIL ( TNT ( Critical Evaluation: BLUEDART: BLUEDART authorize courier services internationally. It supplies different types of courier services for customers like normal delivery, express delivery and so. This website has good shipping structure. It provides search to find related content in the website. But the website lacks the consistent look. It does not have correct styles. It allows the customer to get the rate and time quote. It also provides techniques to track the location of order and contains many other features. ROYALMAIL: ROYALMAIL is one of the biggest courier services which provide its services internationally. It provides services like Logistics, mail, Parcel and other services to the customer. The website of this organization provides many features to the customers. It is well organized with good shipping system. It provides different mechanisms for the customer to track, trade, account management, Estimate duties and taxes. It also supplies content in different types of text sizes. TNT: TNT is courier service provides its service internationally. It includes two kinds of services TNT post and TNT express. It provides very limited features in the website like tracking and tracing the order, account management and request quote. The website is well organized and had good consistent look comparing to the above two. It also provides sitemap for easy site navigation. Like ROYALMAIL it provides content in different text sizes and allows the customers to print the text. Content decision: Existing system: The existing has following drawbacks. It is less user-friendly. It is having lots of manual work (Manual system does not mean that you are working with pen and paper, it also include working on spread sheets and other simple softwares). The present system is very less secure. It cannot provide online registration. It does not have tracking mechanism Proposed system By considering the problems in the existing developed the new system providing with different interface. By this new system user having flexibility like online registration The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the Internet. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc. Tracking Mechanism is available in this application. Task 3: Critical Evaluation: JW courier website was primarily designed to provide courier services for the customers by allowing them to quote in online. This website was designed to solve the problems in existing website, which does not provide the following No. of Modules Administrator Customer Authentication Registration Search Public User Modules Description Administrator: Administrator has the complete control of the project. The admin module will be used by the administrator of this portal; she/he can manage the Warehouse details and Branch Details. He can accept or reject the Customer requests. Admin can accept or reject the Parcel Requests. She/he can add the quotes for particular parcel. He can add the all Country details and states. Customer: Customer must fill the registration details before login. Customer can also manage his/her profile. He/she can View the all Quotes. He/she can also request to Particular parcel and search the particular parcel Track Id. Authentication: Authentications process of granting or denying access to a Web based Application. It is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication is commonly done through the use of credentials i.e. user name and passwords Search: This module is used to search the required information. Search for Parcel Track Id. Registration: The system has a process of registration. Every user need to submit their complete details including user name and password in the form of registration. Whenever a user registration completed then only a user can get log in into the system by using his user id and password. Public User: Public User can view the only what available in this site. Whenever public user open the site he can get some functionalities like About Us, Contact us and what opportunities are available. Public User can also Login to the site but he should fill the Register form according to the Requirements after that he can logon to the site. No. of users Administrator Customer Public Users INPUT OUTPUT The following some are the projects inputs and outputs. Inputs: Admin enters the credentials. Admin preserves the Countries and States. Member Details store in Central database. Manager preserves the Warehouses and Branches for particular Warehouse. Customer can add the all the Quotes. Customer should register into the site. Output: Admin can view User Registration details. Admin can view the details of the Parcel requests from the Customers. Customer can view his/her personal Details. Admin can view the Customer details (Accept/Reject). Customer can view the status of the Parcel using Track Id. The case study JW courier service is to design a website for the organization to provide courier services for the customers online. The main purpose of the project is to design a complete website to solve the problems in the existing website of the JW courier services. Each problem in existing project are solved in following ways: The existing website does not provide help for the customer. So the proposed solution was developed to provide help using chatting. Does not allow the customer to register so the proposed solution was developed to provide registration for the customer. It does not have tracking mechanism to track the order locations Admin module to add new location to the order to track order location It does not provide the customer to quote the orders online. So the proposed solution should solve the problem by allowing the customer to quote online and view previous quotes. Does not provide admin module to price the quotes ordered by the customers. So the proposed solution should provide admin to price the quotes. Development architecture Our project architecture generally contains the following components 1. UI or Presentation Layer, 2. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer 3. Data Access Layer (DAL). The pictorial representation of the architecture as shown below: Presentation Layer (UI): Presentation layer contains pages like .aspx form where data is presented to the user or input is taken from the user. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer: BAL contains business logic, validations or calculations related with the data, if needed. We will call it Business Access Layer in our project. Data Access Layer (DAL): DAL contains methods that helps business layer to connect the data and perform required action, might be returning data or manipulating data in the database. Feasibility study Technical feasibility The proposed/developed system is a web application and does not require any additional software requirements except hosting. A web hosting company hosts the web application in their web servers. Any client (end-user) with an internet connection and a web browsing software (at client side) can immediately start accessing/using the system. So, the system does not need any installation/setup procedure. Hence, the system is functionally feasible. Economic feasibility Author (project stakeholder) does not need to purchase any software and hardware to host the developed system. Web hosting companies purchase and maintain all necessary hardware and software for hosting the websites. Author has to pay only hosting charges to the hosting company. When it comes to the end-user, he/she does not need to purchase any software to use the website. Now-a-days every computerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s operating system is providing built in web browser and so many web browsing software products are available in the market for free. Only the cost that the author should bare is cost of development. Before starting the development, the development team estimates cost of development depends on the features asked by the client. If any new features to be added as per the new requirements of the client, cost of new additions are submitted to the client and after getting the confirmation from the client the new features will be added by the development team. Development team will take care of in-time delivery of the project to avoid excess cost of development due to delay. Hence, the proposed system is economically feasible. Operational feasibility This is about acceptance of the new system by the existing end-users and employees of the system and author. The website is aiming at employees and now-a-days all of them are aware of web browsing. If any person does not have any idea of web browsing, he/she will be trained to use the system within one hour time. So, the system can easily be accepted by any kind of end-user. Hence the proposed system is technically feasible.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Julius Caesar :: Ancient Rome Roman History

Julius Caesar When the name Julius Caesar is heard, it can only trigger the image of a great leader that led Rome into prosperity. Caesar's military excellence brought more power and more land; that lead to the increase of size and strength in Rome. His dictatorship helped the stability and prosperity in Rome. Caesar's assassination lead to a monarchy that was ruled by Octavin. His death lead to a domino effect ending in the ultimate collapse of the Roman Empire. Many people of the 21st century follow the path of Julius Caesar and try to be as great as he was. The assassination of Julius Caesar was a tragedy due to the contributions he made to Rome's prosperity during his life, and the chaos that occurred in Rome after his death. The contributions that Caesar made towards the strength of Rome's success, and the chaos and collapse of Rome after his death made the assassination of Julius Caesar a tragedy. Julius Caesar was assassinated by his own senate on March 15 44 BC; also known as the Ides of March. As he was walking in to the senate house, a man told him to beware the Ides of March. He ignored this statement and walked into the senate house. At this time some of the Senate members surrounded Caesar in a stealthy manner and tugged on his toga. As he looked around he was stabbed by many of the senate members multiple times. He collapsed to the ground and lay on the marble floor dead, next to the feet of Pompey's statue. (Nardo 94) Caesar's military eminence helped Rome prosper into one of the greatest and most memorable civilizations in history. His campaigns helped Rome grow larger in size and in power. His victories in Egypt, Pontus, Gaul, Africa, and parts in the Asia Minor were some of Caesar's greatest honors, (Bruns 99) and is considered "the most powerful national leader in history"(Nardo 73) because of his conquests. The major reason for his strong army was due to the fact that the senate favored him. The senate gave him three provinces for the span of five years, instead of one province for one year. With this ruling, he had "a chance to build a stronger personal army"(34). The strategies and tactics used by Caesar made his death even more tragic because of his excellent leadership and planning. Caesar planned wars by legionary battles.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

lord of the flies :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies Imagine yourself lost on an island with three other people you barely even know. In are eyes this is a scary feeling when all think about ever seening yourself in a situation like this. While unfortunely this can happen not to us but to somebody else. In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding are numbers of boys who are under twelve years old stuck on an island after a plans crash. In the story there are four main characters name Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon who are the oldest of the boys. On the island there are many conflicts. In the beginning Ralph was the leader and everyone had a job they were responsible and keep up until they were rescue. Many of the boys start to lack off especially Jack’s who was in charge of hunting. Ralph and Jack never saw eye to eye during the novel because Jack at the same wanted to be leader of his own tribe. Besides all the chaos within the group there are three major symbols that conch shell, Piggy’s glasses and the fire that ha d everyone’s attention and also savage each other on the island. Conch shell At the start of the novel Piggy and Ralph both discover this conch shell. The conch shell is the most powerful symbol on the island. The conch shell symbolized to bring the boys together to discuss their meetings on the island. At the meetings who ever has the conch shell in there hands they have the right to speak quote "We can't have everybody talking at once. We'll have to have 'Hands up' like at school."(page 33) With the to help the group hunt for food, build shelters, and find any empty areas were they can have a restroom at and to survive on the island. All boys had a jobs and they had to keep to up by Ralph’s orders. From the start all boys respect the conch and fellow the rules of the island accept for Jack who believe at the beginning he should the new leader and that Ralph was a weak leader. Later Jack begin to ignore Ralph’s orders and at ever meeting Jack always going against Ralph’s word and he eventually leaves the group. After Jack leave s the group Ralph slowly loses respect from another boys. Around this time Jack begin to start his own tribe, which made many of the boys seek away from Ralph’s camp.